Welcome to Iwant2testify! It is my goal for this blog to become a familiar place for you to come and share your testimonies and other experiences you’ve had. The purpose of this blog is to bring glory to God for His grace and goodness that He pours upon us so generously every day.
     From time to time there are blessings that are too much to contain! I also believe that almost everyone has a moment at least once a day in which they have a small revelation or thought that we dismiss and continue on with our day, but when shared, that thought can be a very big blessing to someone else! I want to encourage you when you have these moments and blessings, big or small, to say to yourself, “I want to testify!”
     I look forward to sharing these with you and hopefully other subscribers to this blog! Email me at iwant2testify@yahoo.com, or leave your testimony right here with a comment!  Follow us on twitter! @iwant2testify or like us on facebook! I look forward to hearing from you!
Revelation 12:11 “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of theirtestimony; and they loved not their lives to the death.”